The Ophthalmology program at the Health Sciences Centre provides eye care services to 10,000 patients a year, from all across the province. One of its key pieces of equipment is a “slit lamp.”
A slit lamp examines the eye for a variety of diseases such as cataracts, macular degeneration, or blocked blood vessels, as well as various injuries, including detached retinas.
It is a vital piece of equipment in the Ophthalmology department, and is specifically designed to show eye structures in striking detail for diagnostic purposes. Like any piece of equipment, new models are being produced on a regular basis, but the existing slit lamp at our Ophthalmology department is relatively old now, and nearing the end of its useful life.
This donation will help improve the eye health of every resident in our province.
A very generous donation of $16,592 from the local Lion’s Club District N-4 will purchase a brand new, state-of-the-art slit lamp to help improve the eye health of every resident in our province.