Planned Giving

Leaving a planned gift in your will can be your personal and lasting legacy. 

By improving the quality of healthcare received by Newfoundlanders and Labradorians, your planned gift will make a long-lasting and immediate mark on the people of this province.

You can also decide what area of care you would like your gift to go towards.

You Can Leave Your Legacy in Many Forms:

  • Gifts of Bequest
  • Endowment Fund
  • Gifts of Life Insurance
  • Gifts of Capital Property
  • RRSP and RRIF

Speak with Your Advisor:

Your lawyer, accountant, financial planner, or insurance agent can help you determine what kind of planned gift would be best for you and your estate.

If you are interested in leaving a Planned Gift, please reach out to our Development Officer, Planned Giving, Derrick Moore, to discuss your options.

Derrick Moore, Development Officer, Planned Giving