First responders in Newfoundland and Labrador work tirelessly to keep us safe in our most critical times of need. They are exposed to untold trauma and psychological distress while serving their communities. The First Responder Psychological Safety Collaborative provides an innovative approach to mental health in Canada and is the only service of its kind in our province; provided by Eastern Health and supported by the Health Care Foundation. It works with multiple first response agencies such as: paramedics, police, firefighters and Rovers Search and Rescue who attend critical incidents in our province. Critical incidents are highly stressful, extreme events that have the potential to overwhelm a first responders usual coping abilities.
When our first responders can collectively debrief, decompress, maximize their self-care practices and skills and attend timely group sessions, our communities thrive. With your support, the First Responder Psychological Safety Collaborative can continue to create lasting impacts on the mental wellness of people across our province.
The First Responder Psychological Safety Collaborative has four main objectives:
- Foster and encourage collaboration among first responder agencies in Newfoundland and Labrador;
- Providing education that standardizes the understanding of the psychological safety needs of first responders;
- Providing front-line training opportunities that enable first responders support their peers with common approaches; and
- Establish and maintain partnerships to sustain learnings and promote a readiness to collaboratively support first responders who attend a common event.
Please join us in supporting these front-line heroes. To donate, call 777-1459 or 1-833-310-0334, text HCF to 20222, or donate online.
Listen live on VOCM on Wednesday, March 23, from 1-5 p.m. NST as we broadcast from Trades NL.