In response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, Lion’s Club International developed a new grant, called the Emergency Relief Grant, to provide frontline workers with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), such as face shields, gloves, and masks.

As of June 5, Lions Club International Foundation had awarded 257 of these grants, totalling $4,406, 432 in support of frontline COVID-19 relief.

A local district of Lion’s Club International – Lion’s Club District N-4 – secured one of these grants for our frontline hospital workers, right here at home in Newfoundland & Labrador. A total of $13,599 was donated to the Health Care Foundation from Lion’s Club District N-4.

The Lions Clubs of Disctrict N-4 are comprised of 51 clubs in Eastern Newfoundland, from St. John’s to Gander, including communities such as Clarenville, Carbonear, Placentia, and the Burin Peninsula.

“The District N-4 Lions Clubs are proud to present a cheque for $13,599 to help with the purchase of  PPE.” – Lion District Governor Carl Chafe.

“The District N-4 Lions Clubs are proud to present a cheque on behalf of Lion’s Club International Foundation for $13,599,” says Lion District Governor Carl Chafe, “to help with the purchase of  PPE, masks, and gloves for our frontline health care workers here in Eastern Newfoundland.”

“We thank you for all the great work you have done to help those that were affected by COVID-19. Keep up the great work that you are all doing.”

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